Research and trials into zinkicide “look very promising” for use against HLB, University of Central Florida researcher Swadeshmukul Santra says. He summarizes a presentation he made at the Florida Citrus Mutual annual conference in Bonita Springs this summer.
“It (zinkicide) can improve yield, fruit and juice quality on HLB-affected trees,” stated a slide that Santra presented at the conference. The same slide noted that zinkicide is not currently registered for use on citrus.
“Zinkicide was designed specifically for HLB … Zinkicide is a new active ingredient. It’s a nano zinc oxide. Zinc has not been registered as a bactericide in the past,” Santra says. However, a potential registrant is considering pursuing zinkicide’s registration with the Environmental Protection Agency, he says.
Santra believes zinkicide could be a significant component in an integrated pest management approach used against the disease that has devastated Florida citrus trees and production since being found in the state in 2005.
Hear more from Santra:
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