England Named Director of UF/IFAS Hastings Agricultural Extension Center

Kelsey FryAgriculture



Gary England has been named director of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Hastings Agricultural Extension Center (HAEC). The center is a resource for residents and agricultural producers in northeast Florida, a region known for both potatoes and surging urban development.

“We are extremely pleased to have Gary England serve in this new leadership role at Hastings,” said Nick Place, dean of UF/IFAS Extension. “Gary brings a wealth of experience in agriculture, applied research and farm management. He has outstanding skills and expertise to ensure that we have a strong and impactful program at our Hastings facility that addresses the current and emerging needs of agricultural producers in northeast Florida.”

England, who grew up in Ohio, attended the University of Florida as an undergraduate with the goal of becoming a golf course superintendent. After working in the golf industry, he returned to UF to earn a master’s degree in weed science.

Before becoming director, England worked as a multi-county UF/IFAS Extension agent in both Sumter and Lake counties, where he specialized in commercial horticulture and fruit crops, respectively. In addition to being UF/IFAS HAEC director, England will also act as a regional specialized agent for the UF/IFAS Extension central district.

By: Samantha Grenrock, 352-294-3307, grenrosa@ufl.edu
Sources: Gary England, 904-692-4944, gke@ufl.edu
Nick Place, 352-392-1761, nplace@ufl.edu

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