PFD, HLB, Crop

Peace River Growers Discuss Citrus Issues

Ernie NeffBactericides, Citrus Greening, PFD

PFD, HLB, Crop

LeAnna Himrod

Six citrus growers shared their views on a wide range of topics with about 50 fellow producers at a Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association (PRVCGA) gathering Thursday in Bowling Green. PRVCGA Executive Director LeAnna Himrod, who posed questions for the panelists, summarizes the discussions by topic.

Crop size: “I think that everyone’s expecting it to be lower than last year.”

Postbloom fruit drop (PFD): “Everyone’s had a very difficult time with PFD.” Indeed, several panelists said PFD had the biggest impact ever this year. Himrod says numerous rains and bloom periods contributed to the problem.

Bactericides for HLB: “I think that they all said the jury is still out” on the effectiveness of bactericides as an HLB control. “I think everyone is very hopeful” the bactericides will eventually help and is using the products that became available this spring.

Resetting: Most continue to reset, but “there’s some different opinions on what to reset with … I think everyone’s really hopeful that one day we’ll get that really great tolerant rootstock that will be helpful with HLB.”

Himrod also notes that growers are struggling this year to control HLB-spreading psyllids. In spite of the numerous problems, she says growers remain positive about the citrus industry.

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Ernie Neff

Senior Correspondent at Large