leaf, water analysis

The Importance of Soil Sampling

Ernie NeffNutrition


Oscar Ruiz

Agronomist Oscar Ruiz with Waypoint Analytical, one of the key presenters at a recent soil testing seminar in Sebring, discusses the importance and basics of soil sampling.

“Soil testing is very important,” Ruiz says. “It gives you a baseline for your general soil fertility at the beginning of the cropping cycle. Based on that soil report, you can gauge approximately what your fertility program is going to be like for the season.” Among other things, the report tells the grower if the grove needs lime, macronutrients and micronutrients.

The soil sample report also provides the pH of the soil in the sampled area. “If the pH is not right, then all of the nutrients you apply are for naught,” Ruiz says.

The agronomist also discusses the need for consistency by time and location when soil sampling, and the different approaches to determining how many samples to take.

The soil testing seminar that Ruiz addressed was hosted by the Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District.

Hear more from Ruiz:

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Ernie Neff

Senior Correspondent at Large