Mongi Zekri gives a presentation and provides information on the Florida citrus industry to a group of Soutwest Florida residents at a Hendry County ag tour.
Mongi Zekri, multi-county citrus Extension agent, won the 2017 Dallas Townsend Extension Professional Enhancement Award from University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension. The award recognizes a county Extension Agent with a 1-year term professorship for demonstrating an outstanding ability to plan and implement Extension programs that address needs that have been identified in consultation with clientele.
Zekri will receive a one-time $2,500 salary supplement, $1,500 for Extension program support, and a commemorative certificate. The award will be announced on Thursday morning, August 31, during the UF/IFAS Extension Dean’s Administrative Program at the Extension Professional Associations of Florida Conference in Fort Myers.
County Extension Agent candidates must conduct at least 70 percent of their Extension programming in the field of agriculture. The remaining 30 percent or less program responsibility will be preferably in 4-H Youth Development, but may be in other disciplines.
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