Citrus Expo Seminar Presentations Now Available Online

Abbey TaylorCitrus Expo

Every year, Citrus Expo is proud to feature a seminar program that provides continuing education units and a wealth of new research information for growers. Top citrus researchers from the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences were among those who presented their latest findings on several topics, including HLB management, psyllid control, bactericides and more. Now, you can view most of the presentations online.

PowerPoint presentations from nearly all of the speakers can be found on the Citrus Expo website, made available through the Citrus Research and Education Center. If you missed the seminar program, or wish to refer back to the presentations as a reference, you can see them at by clicking on the View Presentation links by the speaker photos.

Citrus Expo thanks all of the speakers who participated in this year’s seminar program.

View the Citrus Expo Presentations

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