
Citrus Crop Forecast: Numbers Decline for Florida in All Categories

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

citrus cropMark Hudson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture delivered the November citrus crop forecast.

For Florida, non-Valencia and Valencia oranges dropped 2 million boxes each, putting the all-orange forecast at 50 million boxes. This represents a 7 percent decline from the initial crop forecast in October.

Florida all-grapefruit came in at 4.65 million boxes, down from 4.9 million boxes last month. White grapefruit is estimated at 850 thousand boxes, while red grapefruit is at 3.8 million boxes, for a total decline of 5 percent.

Tangerines and tangelos also declined 5 percent and now stand at 950 thousand boxes.

Florida citrus crop forecast:

All states citrus crop forecast:

November USDA/NASS Citrus Maturity Test Results and Fruit Size form.

The December citrus crop forecast is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at approximately 12 noon EST.

THANK YOU to our LIVE Citrus Crop Forecast Sponsors! Got Labor? Need Labor? Phone toll-free 1-877-758-5035 Click here to contact Labor Solutions TODAY!

Farm Credit of FloridaRural America’s customer-owned lending partner. Phone toll-free 1-800-432-4156 Click here to contact Farm Credit of Florida TODAY!

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