
Events Educate Growers on Cold-Tolerant Citrus

Jaci SchreckengostFreeze Protection, Top

floridaEvents across the Southeast are being held to help meet growers’ needs for information and resources on growing cold-tolerant citrus. Many north Florida and south Georgia growers are interested in these crops as weather patterns begin to shift. One event was Cold Tolerant Citrus Production for the Southeastern Coastal Plain, held on Dec. 13.

“We’re trying to have a meeting that will address the needs of new growers, as well as growers that are just getting started in north Florida and south Georgia,” said Clay Olson, Taylor County Extension director for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), about the event.

This event allowed growers and researchers to come together and discuss the region’s citrus industry. More information can be found here, in a Citrus Industry article.

According to Olson, additional events are planned for the future to allow growers to have a more well-rounded view of the industry before they begin their production systems. Topics for these events include power for irrigation, marketing and grove health.

Olson said he and Dan Fenneman, Madison County Extension director for UF/IFAS, are hoping to have an event on the “more technical things that people need to be aware of when they’re planning to grow cold-tolerant citrus.” This would allow those interested in growing cold-tolerant citrus to examine the specifics of a production system before getting started.

One upcoming event is the 2018 Panhandle Satsuma Workshop. Organized by Jackson County UF/IFAS Extension, this free event will be held Feb. 27. More information and registration can be found here.

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Jaci Schreckengost