Beck Brothers Win 4R Advocate Award

Abbey TaylorNutrition

Beck Brothers, Glenn and Mark with Rob Watson of Griffin Fertilizer Company in the center.

Beck Brothers Citrus of Winter Garden, Florida, is one of five winners of the Fertilizer Institute’s 4R Advocate Award for 2018. The company is the third winner from Florida and the first citrus grower to receive this national award. Beck Brothers was recognized for implementing 4R fertilizer management practices on the farm to increase production and reduce environmental impact. 4R stands for right source, right rate, right time and right place.

Brothers Glenn and Mark Beck own and manage 7,500 acres of Florida citrus over a seven-county area in Central Florida. The farm was founded by their father, George, who taught the brothers the importance of fertilizer in citrus production. Beck Brothers Citrus is enrolled in Best Management Practices for Florida, which are guidelines provided by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to improve water quality.

Beck Brothers was nominated for its efficient fertilization practices, including soil sampling and precision agriculture. Soil sampling ensures growers are putting out the right source at the right rate each time they fertilize. The “seeing eye” is a useful precision ag tool Beck Brothers uses that can fertilize a tree based on its size.

Find out more about Beck Brothers Citrus and the 4R Advocate Award.

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Abbey Taylor