CRDF Focuses on HLB Research Communication

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Research


ned hancock

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation’s (CRDF) board of directors, which is focused on HLB, discussed ways to improve communications with growers and others during a meeting in Immokalee on Tuesday.

The directors asked numerous growers attending the meeting at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center for their input regarding improved communication.

One grower said he needs more detail quickly about research into HLB instead of waiting for researchers to publish their results. Some researchers responded that they can provide information verbally, but can’t put the information in writing without ruining their chance to publish. That led to discussions about the possibility of holding sessions sponsored by CRDF in which growers and researchers share information about their experiences with HLB.

“It is incumbent upon us to make sure that whatever information is available, that everybody is aware of it and everybody knows about it,” says CRDF Director Ned Hancock. He adds that the CRDF directors could often benefit from grower input on how best to spend money and get results.

Hancock says an improved website will be part of the communication effort. “We need to make it a little more grower friendly, but we also need to make sure that the information is disseminated maybe in a little more up-to-date format, and that it’s not something you’ve got to wade through 100 publications to determine what is it that you’re looking for,” he says.

Hear more from Hancock:

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Ernie Neff

Senior Correspondent at Large