Sneak Peek: July 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The most successful citrus growers are often the ones who are able to adapt to new techniques and technologies. The July issue of Citrus Industry magazine offers a look at tools designed to help growers increase efficiency and productivity.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly used in electronic devices, social media and internet search engines. But did you know this technology is also being used in agriculture? In a feature article in the July issue, University of Florida researchers, led by Arnold Schumann, explain how artificial intelligence can rapidly detect pests, diseases and disorders in the grove.

Soil moisture sensors are not new, but researchers and growers alike are learning more about how these tools can improve citrus irrigation practices and tree health. Arnold Schumann and his team of co-authors discuss the benefits of sensors, types available and how to properly install them. The article also includes firsthand accounts from Florida citrus growers Ed Pines and Jerry Mixon on their experiences with using soil moisture sensors.

Citrus Industry readers can hear from yet another grower, Marshall Hartley, in the July issue. His article discusses proper placement of irrigation jets. He gives advice on the use of both cone jets and fan jets.

Next, take a virtual trip to Spain’s citrus industry, courtesy of Steve Futch and Ariel Singerman. They share what they learned on a recent tour of Spain’s citrus production regions. Topics addressed include water and labor issues as well as planting and production challenges.

Also in the July issue is a feature on a new system designed to stop the spread of psyllids from grove to grove. Developed by U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers in California, the system is nearing approval for grower use.

All these articles and more can be found in the next issue of Citrus Industry magazine, coming soon!

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About the Author

Tacy Callies

Editor of Citrus Industry magazine