Citrus Expo Is Next Week!

Tacy CalliesCitrus Expo

Citrus ExpoWith more education, more exhibits and more diversity, growers won’t want to miss Citrus Expo 2018! Florida’s premier agricultural event for citrus, vegetable and specialty crop growers takes place Aug. 15–16 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida.

Time is running out to pre-register for the event. Online pre-registration ends Friday, Aug. 10. Pre-registration helps save time upon arrival and automatically enters growers into a drawing for a chance to win a John Deere gun safe, courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group. The gun safe drawing will take place after lunch in the trade show hall on Aug. 15.

Citrus Expo attendees will have additional opportunities to win prizes from event vendors. Several exhibitors will be hosting giveaways, so be sure to visit the indoor and outdoor booths. While perusing the outside exhibits, check out the new Michelin equipment demo area, where growers will have the opportunity to test drive vehicles.

More prizes, including a smoker and weekend stay at the OK Corral Gun Club, are up for grabs in the annual Florida FFA Fundraiser Raffle. The fundraiser helps support the hard-working Florida FFA state officers who volunteer at Citrus Expo. For a chance to win and to support a great cause, purchase raffle tickets from the FFA officers on the trade show floor on Wednesday, Aug. 15.

The FFA raffle drawing will be during the networking reception on the first day of the show. The networking reception is from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Attendees and vendors are invited to mingle while enjoying complimentary appetizers and cocktails in the trade show hall.

Citrus Expo is known for fun and food, but an even greater draw is its first-rate educational program. The 2018 seminar program, “Planting Tomorrow’s Profits,” begins with a general session for all growers. Next up are concurrent programs for citrus growers and for vegetable and specialty crop growers. Citrus growers can earn up to 6.5 continuing education units (CEUs) toward a Florida restricted-use pesticide license, as well as 7 Certified Crop Adviser CEUs. Vegetable and specialty crop growers can earn a maximum of 4 continuing education units (CEUs) toward a Florida restricted-use pesticide license, and 4 Certified Crop Adviser CEUs.

For more information on Citrus Expo, visit , e-mail or call 352-671-1909.

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Tacy Callies
