Citrus Expo Presentations Now Available

Abbey TaylorCitrus Expo

The 27th annual Citrus Expo saw great success as growers piled into the Lee Civic Center on Aug. 15–16 in North Fort Myers, Florida. Growers experienced the biggest trade show in Citrus Expo history, as well as extended citrus seminar sessions. The educational program, titled “Planting Tomorrow’s Profits,” featured presentations on the latest research from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).

Many of the citrus presentations focused on living with HLB and managing the Asian citrus psyllid. Other topics included new rootstock and scion planting options, the economics of high-density plantings, and post-bloom fruit drop.

If you were unable to attend Citrus Expo, or if you missed some of the presentations, you can now view them online. Citrus Expo presenters have given public access to their PowerPoint presentations so growers can catch up on what they missed.

Citrus Expo would like to thank UF/IFAS and Citrus Research and Education Center Director Michael Rogers for helping create one of the best citrus seminar programs yet. Also, special appreciation goes to all of the speakers for giving their time to be a part of Citrus Expo.

The 28th Citrus Expo will return to the Lee Civic Center on Aug. 14–15, 2019.

Click here to view the citrus presentations.

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Abbey Taylor