Sneak Peek: September 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

SeptemberSome fruit drop in citrus is a naturally occurring process, but other types of drop can and should be avoided. In the September issue of Citrus Industry magazine, University of Florida researchers discuss HLB-associated pre-harvest fruit drop and glyphosate-related fruit drop.

Not only does HLB increase fruit drop, it also negatively impacts fruit flavor. Another research article in the September issue examines flavor perception of oranges vs. mandarins and explores the idea of using HLB-tolerant mandarins in Florida orange juice.

With all of the negativity HLB has caused, the Florida citrus industry can use a shot of positive publicity. That’s the goal of the new Edison & Ford Winter Estates Citrus Project. In his article, grower Jim Gravley tells more about how a new grove at a tourist attraction aims to promote the value of Florida’s citrus industry.

While California citrus growers have not felt the wrath of HLB like Florida growers have, they remain on high alert. Several California research projects are currently focusing on early detection methods for HLB. Read about the work that is underway in this month’s California Corner feature.

Finally, don’t miss the 2018 Citrus Expo coverage, which includes highlights from the event’s new general session, citrus seminars and trade show.

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About the Author

Tacy Callies

Editor of Citrus Industry magazine