Sneak Peek: October 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

October 2018The October issue of Citrus Industry magazine is all about improving plant health. Readers will learn both grower and researcher strategies for managing HLB-affected trees.

Ned Hancock knows a thing or two about growing citrus; he has been at it since age 14. In the October cover story, the citrus grower tells how he’s keeping his trees healthy and what it takes to stay in the Florida citrus business today. Readers will also learn how Hancock has helped the Florida citrus industry and why he is optimistic about its future.

Preliminary results from University of Florida researchers show that homobrassinolides, a type of plant hormone, have a positive effect on HLB-infected trees. The article describes what effects the hormones have had so far on fruit yield and quality.

If you have questions on citrus fertigation, the October issue of Citrus Industry has answers. A comprehensive feature authored by University of Florida experts covers everything from backflow prevention to how to properly use the most common fertigation materials.

Another way to enhance the health of citrus trees is to improve the soil they grow in. An article written by University of Florida researchers examines the components of a healthy citrus soil and offers methods to improve soil health.

University of California researchers are looking at planting high-density dwarf citrus as a possible way to improve grower profits. Studies are underway to determine if less labor and inputs are needed for this type of planting.

Find all of these articles and more, coming soon in the October issue of Citrus Industry magazine.

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About the Author

Tacy Callies

Editor of Citrus Industry magazine