The March issue of Citrus Industry magazine gets to the root of the matter. Several articles cover the topic of root health.
Citrus growers Ben Krupski and David Wheeler share successful strategies for stronger roots. Methods include the use of compost, more frequent irrigation and other techniques.
Three University of Florida research articles in the March issue also address root-related topics.
First, Evan Johnson discusses diseases caused by phytophthora, including brown rot, foot and crown rot, and root rot. He explains how HLB has influenced management of these diseases and offers some practical advice for growers.
Larry Duncan delves beneath the soil to look at the growing problem of sting nematodes in young trees. He says changing production practices have led to root damage from sting nematodes. Duncan offers recommendations on how growers can best tackle this challenge.
In a third article, University of Florida researchers summarize the study of citrus roots in the HLB era. Areas covered are the role of roots in plant health and root system architecture.
Another topic in the March issue is ambrosia beetles. This pest was recently found in citrus for the first time in Florida. Lauren Diepenbrock of the University of Florida gives an update on what is known about this pest as well as current research being conducted.
Other highlights in the March issue include the announcement of a new Grower Editorial Advisory Board for Citrus Industry magazine and a poem written be grower Quentin Roe.
Find all these articles and more, coming soon in the March issue of Citrus Industry magazine.
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