The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine offers something for everyone. The diverse range of article topics in this issue is sure to be of interest to readers.
First, growers will want to read the latest research on citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Although this is an old problem in Florida, it’s still a threat today — especially if you are using sour orange rootstock. In the article, the University of Florida authors report finding CTV in psyllids as well as trees that are infected with both citrus greening and CTV.
Next, University of Florida researchers share how they are working to create better orange juice for consumers. New varieties have been developed from various citrus breeding methods. The authors discuss the most promising varieties for juice.
Ever wonder what growing citrus is like in another part of the world? Steve Futch and Ariel Singerman give growers an in-depth look at Israel’s citrus industry based on a recent trip they took there. While many of the challenges are the same, some of the production practices are different from those commonly used in Florida.
Finally, don’t miss your chance to earn a free continuing education unit in this issue. The CEU Central article provides everything you need to know about safety symbols found on pesticide labels. Read the article, pass the test, and you’ll earn a core CEU good toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license.
Find all these articles and more, coming soon in the May issue of Citrus Industry magazine.
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