June’s All In For Citrus Podcast is filled with updates on University of Florida citrus research.
First, Citrus Research and Education Center Director Michael Rogers discusses a recent visit by some U.S. Department of Agriculture administrators who make decisions on how millions of dollars in farm bill citrus research money are allocated. He explains that the visit was very valuable for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture officials because they got to learn what research growers need and what research is already being conducted.
Next, Kelly Morgan, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) director, gives listeners an update on citrus research happening in Immokalee. Morgan was a guest on the first All In for Citrus Podcast in 2018, when he laid the framework of what was to come for the center in 2019. This month, he gives an update on how research projects are going so far.
Lastly, Ozgur Batuman, assistant professor of citrus pathology at SWFREC, talks about a project he’s been working on since he started at the center in 2016. The project involves creating a robotic arm that can help citrus growers apply chemicals in their groves. He discusses the early work and how the device could be a game changer in growers’ production systems.
Listen to the latest episode of the All In For Citrus Podcast.
A reminder: Grower registration for the 2019 Citrus Expo is now open! Citrus Expo will be held August 14-15 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida. All preregistered growers will automatically be entered for a chance to win a John Deere gun safe courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group. Visit CitrusExpo.net to preregister and find more information.