The 2019–2020 citrus crop forecast released Feb. 11 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed changes for Florida orange and grapefruit production levels.
The February forecast for Florida oranges is 2 million boxes lower than last month’s figures. However, if realized, the Florida all-orange forecast of 72 million boxes will be up slightly from last season’s final production.
The forecast consists of 31 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 41 million boxes of Valencia oranges. Both the Valencia (down 2 percent) and non-Valencia (down 3 percent) categories saw a decrease of 1 million boxes each.
The forecast for Florida grapefruit production, at 5.9 million boxes, is up 9 percent from the January figure. The increase of 500,000 boxes is for red grapefruit; white grapefruit is unchanged at 900,000 boxes. White and red
grapefruit sizes are above average.
The forecast for tangerine and tangelos is unchanged from the January forecast at 1.05 million boxes, but 6 percent more than last season’s utilization of 990,000 boxes. This forecast number includes all certified tangerine and tangelo varieties.
The California and Texas forecast numbers were carried forward from the previous forecast.
USDA/NASS Citrus Maturity Test Results and Fruit Size form
Mark your calendar! The March USDA citrus crop forecast will be on Tuesday, March 10 at approximately 12 noon Eastern Daylight Savings time/9:00 a.m. Pacific time. You will be able to tune in and hear the numbers as they are given from the USDA in Washington, D.C.
Coverage of the Citrus Crop Forecast is brought to you by Aerobotics, Farm Credit of Florida, Fruit Shield, Labor Solutions, and TradeMark Nitrogen Corp.