Sneak Peek: March 2020 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek


The March issue of Citrus Industry magazine focuses on fertilization and other production practices to keep citrus trees healthy.

Tripti Vashisth’s article summarizes a three-year University of Florida (UF) study that looked at 10 different controlled-release fertilizer treatments in two different locations. The research results revealed that when it comes to citrus nutrition, one size does not fit all. Surprisingly, what worked best in one location was what worked the worst in another location.

UF’s Laura Waldo and Arnold Schumann discuss the important role root hairs play in citrus tree health in their article. They explain how the right level of tricalcium phosphate could stimulate root hair growth and help HLB-affected citrus trees.

In another article, a team of UF researchers looks at the effect of planting density and enhanced nutrition on Indian River-grown grapefruit. The article tells how two fertilizer blends and three planting densities affected yield.

Besides nutrition, an additional key to citrus health is proper irrigation management. Another UF-authored article provides pointers on proper water management for young trees. Both microjet and drip irrigation considerations are included in the article.

The March issue includes one last strategy for achieving improved citrus health. Not only can weed management enhance tree health, it may also help keep Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) out of the grove. A UF study investigated the potential of three types of weeds — Spanish needle, dogfennel and Mexican primrose willow — to serve as hosts for ACP. The results might make you want to step up your weed management program.

Find all these articles and more in the March issue of Citrus Industry magazine, coming soon!

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About the Author

Tacy Callies
