In California as well as nationally, food banks are experiencing a significant increase in demand due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) Farm to Family (F2F) program accepts donations of fresh produce year-round. CAFB will coordinate the distribution to 41 food banks across the state, which then supply local community food banks and other small feeding centers. The only region not covered by the F2F program is Monterey, which is covered by the Monterey County Food Bank.
Donations are eligible for a state tax credit of 15 percent of the wholesale value and a federal tax deduction. F2F may also purchase produce items at rates comparable to secondary market prices. For citrus, the secondary market price is based on the juice price and is currently $0.05 per pound.
F2F is a full-service program that will coordinate with growers to prepare a shipment for pick-up and distribution. Additionally, for donated product, F2F will provide all necessary documentation for state tax credits and federal tax deductions.
If for some reason the F2F program is unable to accept a donation or purchase fruit, it will help the grower connect with a local food bank that can accept the donation. There are no size or quality standards, but F2F does ask that the fruit be durable enough to withstand transportation and repacking.
If you are interested in working with the California Association of Food Banks F2F program, contact Director Steve Linkhart at (925) 250-5774 or by email at stevelinkhart@cafoodbanks.org.
Source: California Citrus Mutual