University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus Extension agents reported that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has extended Emergency Order 2020-002, which includes pesticide license renewal and expiration information. Emergency Order 2020-007, signed by Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried on April 20, extends the expiration period for another 60 days.
“Please remember that although the expiration date has been extended, anyone with an expired license cannot purchase restricted-use pesticide,” says citrus Extension agent Ajia Paolillo. “At this time UF/IFAS is still unable to offer pesticide license testing.” The testing is unavailable due to COVID-19 restrictions prohibiting group gatherings.
Those needing continuing education units (CEUs) in the Core category for the Florida restricted-use pesticide license can read the articles and take the online tests on the Citrus Industry CEU webpage. The next Citrus Industry Core CEU article and test will be available online on May 1.