As of May 20, Citrus Expo and Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo are still scheduled for Aug. 12–13 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida.
But as you can imagine, there are a few “ifs” involved amid the coronavirus pandemic. They include: 1) if everyone attending Expo can do so safely and 2) if Florida’s governor, local and national leaders allow such gatherings to be held at that time.
If the Expos can be held, all CDC guidelines will be strictly followed. Event host AgNet Media would heavily invest in changes to ensure the health and safety of attendees, exhibitors, presenters and staff. While not a complete list, some of these changes would include:
- The availability of masks and gloves
- Hand sanitizer stations throughout the trade show and seminar buildings
- One-way aisles
- Limiting the number of exhibitor representatives per booth
AgNet Media is working on ways to incorporate proper social distancing while maintaining an enjoyable, quality event.
Industry input is wanted on how coronavirus will impact decisions on attending Citrus Expo and Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo. Please share your thoughts by taking this very brief three-question survey by May 28.
No one is certain how close to “normal” we’ll return in a week or two, much less by August. AgNet Media is monitoring all local, state and national advisories and will let you know as soon as a final determination is made on whether to hold the Expos. A decision is expected by early- to mid-summer.
If the Expos cannot be held, AgNet Media will work with the seminar presenters on alternative methods to get growers much of the valuable information that would have been delivered in-person.
But again, for now, the Expos are still being planned, and the AgNet Media team hopes to see you in North Fort Myers in August. We’ll keep you posted.