Coronavirus Program Adds Citrus Varieties

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

Tangerines are one of the citrus varieties that have been added to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.

Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President and CEO Mike Sparks recently advised Mutual members that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) has added several commodities that now qualify for Part 1 of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). The CFAP provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19.

The added commodities include lemons, tangerines and tangelos.

Under the Part 1 price decline payment, lemons are now eligible for $.08 per pound harvested; tangelos are eligible for $.05 per pound harvested; and tangerines are eligible for $.05 per lb. harvested.

Producers of specialty crops are eligible for CFAP payments in the following three categories:

1. Crops suffered a 5 percent or greater price decline between mid-January and mid-April as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Produce shipped but subsequently spoiled due to loss of marketing channel.

3. Shipments did not leave the farm or mature crops remained unharvested.

See a full eligibility list for CFAP.

Sparks recommended that growers contact their local FSA office to confirm eligibility. The deadline for submission is Sept. 11, 2020.

The USDA announced the CFAP on April 17 to help agriculturists and consumers in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The $19 billion program is intended to provide support to farmers and ranchers, maintain the integrity of the food supply chain and ensure every American has access to needed food. Learn more about CFAP here.

Source: Florida Citrus Mutual 

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