citrus crop forecast

New Global Citrus Event Coming Online

Ernie NeffFresh


Fruitnet Media International and the World Citrus Organisation are teaming up to host the first-ever Global Citrus Congress Live on Nov. 5. The event is for everyone in the global supply chain of fresh citrus, from the farm gate to the supermarket shelf.

The free-to-register online conference will focus on some of the big developments across the citrus category and feature a number of expert presentations and panel discussions.

Fresh citrus categories are main global fruit commodities, but will face substantial challenges in coming years. Challenges will range from increased competition with other categories to the impacts of climate change. Climate change may impact production, quality and biosecurity. Against this backdrop, there is a need for the citrus industry to fully exploit its assets — nutritional benefits, taste and environmental friendliness.

The World Citrus Organisation was set up last year to bring together the world’s leading citrus-producing countries, associations and companies to facilitate collective action in the citrus sector for fresh and processed categories.

Global Citrus Congress Live is supported by CIRAD, the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.

More information on the new event can be found here.

Source: Fruitnet Media International

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