Sneak Peek: September 2020 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek


In just two days, more than 1,100 Citrus Expo participants viewed 28 educational videos. If you didn’t get a chance to visit the virtual Citrus, Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo on Aug. 19–20, you can find highlights from the event in the September issue of Citrus Industry magazine.

The educational videos will remain on the Citrus Expo website through the end of the year. By viewing the citrus seminars, growers can earn multiple continuing education units toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license and the Certified Crop Adviser designation. See the videos here.

The September issue of Citrus Industry magazine includes summaries of several of the Citrus Expo educational sessions as well as an overview of the event and the positive industry reactions it received. The Pulpwash column covers the general session, which addressed Florida’s hemp program and impacts of Mexico’s exports.

Besides Citrus Expo coverage, the September issue offers multiple articles addressing grove management practices. A feature on row-middle weed management methods explores several strategies, including mechanical mowing, weed wiping, cover crops and integrated approaches.

Another article looks at the use of gibberellic acid in the grove. University of Florida research has found that gibberellic acid can increase fruit size and yield while reducing drop.

Growers can learn about the relationship between soil organic matter and HLB in an article about research that was done in a Florida grove by Colorado State University scientists.

Advice on how to obtain optimal peel color of fresh Florida citrus can also be found in the September issue.

Finally, growers looking to diversify their income while helping educate the public can read how Brown’s Grove accomplished this goal.

Look for these articles and more in the September issue of Citrus Industry magazine, arriving soon in your mailbox or inbox.

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About the Author

Tacy Callies
