Did you know Citrus Industry magazine offers four Core CEUs per year at no charge?
Each of the magazine’s quarterly CEU articles are good for one continuing education unit in the Core category toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license. Read the article and then take the accompanying test. After you submit and pass the test, you’ll earn your CEU.
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension agents author the articles and issue the CEU credits. Readers have the option of taking the CEU test online or filling out the form in the magazine and mailing it to the author.
A new CEU article, “Proper storage of pesticides,” is now available on the CEU page of the Citrus Industry website. See the new article here. The CEU credit is available for one year.
“Proper storage of pesticides,” by Ajia Paolillo, covers several issues important to worker safety. The article addresses site considerations and security, temperature control, proper lighting, shelves and flooring, labeling and inventory, and more.
The next Citrus Industry CEU article will be available in the February 2021 issue.
For questions regarding CEU articles, contact the author of the article. Please allow two weeks to process your CEU.