Bayer has introduced Vynyty Citrus®, its latest biological and pheromone-based crop protection product to control pests on citrus farms.
Vynyty Citrus®, a container with an active liquid inside, does not generate resistance or residues in harvests or in the environment, according to Bayer. It is the first such product on the market that is formulated with pheromones and natural pyrethrum to control pests in citrus fruit. Pheromones effectively control pests by interfering with their mating behaviors, thus preventing their reproduction.
The product is currently being used in Spain and will soon be available to growers of citrus and other crops in other Mediterranean countries. It is licensed for commercial use by Ecología y Protección Agricola (EPA) in Valencia and provides 400 days of pest control.
Vynyty Citrus® is formulated to gradually reduce the invasive pest populations of three species: California red louse (Aonidiella aurantii), citrus cotonet (Planococcus citri) and South African cotonet (Delottococcus aberiae). The South African cotonet is affecting more than 40,000 hectares of citrus fruit in the Valencian community. The pest is causing the deformation of fruit and is forming new colonies within citrus areas located on the Spanish eastern coast.
“With this, we manage to control and gradually reduce the populations of these species with a more sustainable solution, which does not generate resistance or residues in the harvest or in the environment and, moreover, acts 365 days a year,” said Javier Pérez, head of Bayer Crop Science Fruit Crops in Spain.
When asked if Bayer has plans to register Vynyty Citrus in the United states, a Bayer spokesperson responded, “We have no short-term plans for the U.S. but long term we are considering to enter the U.S. market as well.”
Source: Bayer
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