Protect Young Citrus from Weeds

Josh McGillSponsored Content

Protect Young Citrus from Grasses, Broadleaf Weeds & Nutsedge

Weeds in citrus groves can cause yield loss of up to 33%, according to research published by the University of Florida (UF) Citrus Research & Education Center.

This significant – yet largely preventable – level of yield loss can be due to weeds that interfere with harvesting, serve as alternate hosts to insects and disease, and reduce soil temperatures during freezing events.

UF researchers add that pre-emergent herbicides with good residual activity are commonly used as a tactic during the first three years after planting to give young citrus trees a head start over weeds.

Solicam® herbicide, from NovaSource, provides proven pre-emergent and lasting residual control of perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.

And, SOLICAM is labeled for use on all the trees in your citrus grove – including young trees.

Now available through your local distributor, choose SOLICAM when you’re looking for:

  • Pre-emergent control of important weeds and grasses
  • Suppression of key weeds, including nutsedge
  • Group 12 Protection with a mode of action that inhibits carotenoid biosynthesis — to keep weeds from competing with your crops
  • Longer Lasting residual effects that minimize the need for burn down sprays
  • Reliable Performance in all weather conditions, and
  • Compatibility with many tank mix partners

Product Use Guidelines:

  • Treat prior to weed germination.
  • SOLICAM must be moved into the weed seed germination zone to be effective.
  • The soil should be settled, firm and relatively free of weeds and debris at the time of application.
  • Application rate is dependent on soil texture.
  • If no rainfall occurs within 4 weeks after application, the product must be incorporated by flood or sprinkler irrigation.
  • Multiple or sequential applications can be made. Do not exceed the maximum recommended rates in the specimen label.
  • Mix with paraquat, glufosinate or glyphosate to enhance the control of emerged weeds and grasses.
  • Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) is 30 days.
  • Restricted Entry Interval (REI) is 12 hours.
  • SOLICAM has no postemergence activity and will not control established weeds.
  • Existing weeds must be mechanically removed or controlled by using a suitable postemergence herbicide.

For more information, contact your local distributor or visit