Florida growers are being asked to take a survey on the use of cover crops and reflective mulch in citrus production. These systems are being investigated as potential means to improve soil health and reduce pest pressure from Asian citrus psyllids, which transmit the destructive citrus disease HLB. The survey is being conducted by researchers with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center and Food and Resource Economics Department.
The UF/IFAS researchers are seeking grower input on the feasibility of cover crops and reflective mulch systems, which are not widely used in citrus production. Grower responses will help the researchers measure the general willingness to adopt cover crops or reflective mulch and provide the information needed to explore potential means of promoting implementation, such as cost-share programs.
Survey participation is sought regardless of farm size, farming experience or familiarity with these practices. A higher response rate will ensure researchers obtain quality information that accurately answers the research objectives, which will enable them to help growers.
All information provided will be kept confidential. No names or statistics that could be used to identify an operation will be published. The findings will be displayed in aggregate form only.
Participation is voluntary. The online survey should take about 15 minutes. Researchers request that only one survey be filled out per farm, and that the person filling out the survey is the one with the most knowledge of all operations on the farm.
Contact Carter Cosgray at 727-249-8895 or Tara Wade at 239-658-3444 with questions about the survey.
Source: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
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