Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA) recently reported a 7% increase in shipment volume compared to the 2020 season. “Easy peelers are on-par with year-to-date estimates while navel oranges are slightly ahead,” SCSA stated in a media release. “Overall, quality and sizing are aligning well with the expectations of the U.S. market.”
Boats from South Africa are scheduled to arrive at the port of Philadelphia every week through early August, SCSA stated. “From there on, the shipping program will adjust in accordance to supply and demand of the market.”
SCSA gave credit to long-term strategic partnerships for its successful program. “The group from South Africa has continued to effectively manage supply based on demand with its impressive team of growers, importers, local and global officials as well as logistics and marketing teams,” the group stated.
“While the (COVID-19) pandemic brought the world to its knees, businesses must continue to forge ahead, and our program is a fine example of the tenacity required to weather the storm,” said Suhanra Conradie, CEO of SCSA. “Our industry was taught valuable lessons during this time, including how to prepare for unexpected growth and persevere with an incredible group of service providers.”
SCSA recently launched its 2021 consumer summer promotion, The Sweet Escape. The promotion offers shoppers a chance to win a $500 gift card.
“This is the sixth year that we’ve hosted a consumer facing promotion, and we look forward to interacting with our shoppers,” Conradie said.
Source: Summer Citrus from South Africa
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