florida orange

Ups and Downs in Florida Citrus Forecast

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

Florida orange
© Florida Department of Citrus

On Dec. 9, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service reported the Florida orange forecast at 46 million boxes. Total orange production is down 2% from the October forecast but down 13% from last season’s final utilization.

The decrease is in Florida non-Valencia production, which now stands at 18 million boxes. Current droppage is above average and is projected to be above average at harvest.

The Navel forecast, included in the non-Valencia forecast, is unchanged at 450,000 boxes, and is 3% of the non-Valencia total. Navel size and droppage are above average.

The forecast for Valencia production is unchanged from the October forecast of 28 million boxes. Current fruit size is below average and is projected to be below average at harvest.

The forecast for Florida grapefruit took a positive turn, up 8% from October. Production increased 300,000 boxes to 4.1 million boxes. If realized, this will equal last season’s final production.

The red grapefruit forecast increased 100,000 boxes to 3.3 million boxes. Fruit size of red grapefruit at harvest is projected to be above average, and droppage is projected to be below average.

The white grapefruit forecast jumped 200,000 boxes to 800,000 boxes. Projected fruit size of white grapefruit at harvest is above average; projected droppage is below average.

The forecast for Florida tangerine and tangelos is unchanged from the October forecast at 900,000 boxes and is 1% more than last season’s utilization of 890,000 boxes.

Listen to the Florida citrus crop forecast:

Florida Citrus Crop Forecast

See the December citrus crop forecast report from USDA.

The California and Texas citrus production forecasts were carried forward from the previous forecast and are unchanged.

The next USDA citrus crop forecast will be broadcast Jan. 12, at approximately 12 noon Eastern/9 a.m. Pacific time. Hear the broadcast on CitrusIndustry.net.

Thank you to the 2021-22 citrus crop forecast sponsors: Aerobotics, Farm Credit of Florida and OrangeRX.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

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