In the quest to keep HLB-infected citrus trees productive, many growers are turning to techniques to improve soil health. That’s the focus of the June issue of Citrus Industry magazine. The hope is that better soil health will lead to better tree health. Methods under study include compost, cover crops and oak mulch.

Citrus grower and consultant Brad Turner makes the case for using cover crops and compost in his article. He says “biological resuscitation” is needed in Florida groves. Read his article, “Heritage practices for today’s challenges,” to learn more about his approach.
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has been experimenting with cover crops in citrus row middles for three years. Researchers have seen improvements to soil and better weed management with the use of cover crops. Find out what else they have learned from their trials.
An update on oak mulch to increase soil health is the subject of another UF/IFAS article in the June issue of Citrus Industry. Some growers have found success by applying oak mulch to their groves. Learn what the latest research reveals.
Another UF/IFAS study is looking at the effect of compost on young tree growth. Compost was found to enhance soil health and increase nutrient availability. Read more in the June issue.
With today’s sky-high fertilizer prices, growers are looking to do everything they can to make the most of their nutrients. How skyrocketing fertilizer prices will affect citrus growers is the topic of a June article by Ariel Singerman and Stephen Futch. They detail how much more Florida growers would have to spend in order to maintain their current fertilization rates.
Look for these articles and more in the June issue of Citrus Industry, coming soon to your inbox or mailbox. If you aren’t already subscribed to the magazine, sign up here.
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