By Ernie Neff
The June 10 federal citrus crop forecast increased the expected Florida Valencia orange crop by 2% but dropped the state’s grapefruit and tangerines/tangelos production expectations. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

The projected Valencia crop rose 500,000 boxes from the May forecast, to 22.5 million boxes. NASS declared the Valencia crop “relatively complete” as of May 31, when a row count survey was conducted. The completely harvested non-Valencia orange crop was unchanged at 18.2 million boxes. Because of the increase in Valencias, Florida’s total orange crop forecast rose 1% from May, to 40.7 million boxes.
Expected production of all Florida grapefruit declined by 3%, to 3.3 million boxes. The total reduction came in the red grapefruit forecast, which dipped by 100,000 boxes to 2.8 million boxes. The white grapefruit forecast was unchanged at 500,000 boxes. All Florida grapefruit have been harvested.
Florida’s tangerines and tangelos forecast dropped 6%, or 50,000 boxes, to 750,000 boxes.
There was no change in the forecasts for other citrus producing states.
See the full June forecast here.
Listen to the forecast numbers:
The next update to the USDA citrus crop forecast is scheduled for July 12 at approximately 12 noon Eastern/9 a.m. Pacific time. Hear the broadcast at
Thank you to the 2021–22 citrus crop forecast sponsors: Aerobotics, Farm Credit and OrangeRX.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

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