Agriculture students at four Florida colleges and universities can apply for Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association (FFAA) Ag Scholarships by Sept. 9. The schools are Florida A&M University (FAMU), Florida Southern College (FSC), University of Florida (UF) and Warner University.
The FFAA Scholarship Fund offers scholarships to qualified upper-level university and college students in agriculture or a very closely-related major. The scholarships are designed to promote the study of agriculture in higher education and to encourage academic excellence among students pursuing agricultural studies.
Eligibility requirements are:
- Students enrolled at the junior, senior or graduate level in agricultural related majors at UF, FAMU, FSC or Warner.
- Eligible majors include Agronomy, Soil & Water, Ag Operations, Agribusiness, Food and Resource Economics, Ag Communication/Education and closely related agricultural majors (check with FFAA for further clarification)
- Must plan to be enrolled the semester immediately following the fall semester
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0)
- A copy or screenshot of transcripts
- Scholarship check will be made payable to the Florida school for your account.
Eligible students can apply here.
See the FFAA Scholarship Fund website for more information. Call 863-686-4827 or mhartney@ffaa.org with any questions.
The FFAA Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions can be made to FFAA Scholarship Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 587, Bartow, FL 33831-0587 or by calling 863-686-4827.
Source: Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association