Assessment Rate Set for California Citrus Growers

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Regulation

The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) has established an assessment rate for California citrus producers of 3.2 cents per 40-pound standard field box for the 2022–23 marketing season. The marketing season runs from Oct. 1, 2022, to Sept. 30, 2023. The assessment applies to all types and varieties of citrus, as defined by the California Citrus Research Program, marketed by producers and received by handlers or processors during the season. 

assessment rate
Photo by Elijah Mears on Unsplash

The assessment was recommended by the Citrus Research Board. Funds generated by the assessment are used to conduct general production research, a variety improvement research program, a quality assurance program on agricultural chemical residues, pest and disease control functions, and other activities pertinent to the California citrus industry.

The assessment rate for the 2022–23 marketing season is two-tenths of a cent per standard field box higher than last season’s rate.

In order to facilitate the collection of assessments, each handler or processor of California citrus is required to remit assessment payments to the Citrus Research Board office on behalf of producers from whom they receive citrus, including their own production. In turn, handlers and processors are authorized to deduct such assessment payments from any money owed to such producers.

Assessment forms and additional instructions for reporting and remitting assessments on behalf of producers will be provided to all citrus handlers and processors by the Citrus Research Board office.

Questions about the assessment rate or activities of the California Citrus Research Program should be addressed to Citrus Research Board President Marcy Martin at 559-738-0246 or to Steven Donaldson with the CDFA Marketing Branch at 916-900-5018.

The mission of the Citrus Research Board is to ensure a sustainable California citrus industry for the benefit of growers by prioritizing, investing in and promoting sound science.

Source: California Department of Food and Agriculture

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