
Global Citrus Statistics Released

Josh McGillInternational

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) recently released a new publication, Citrus World Statistics, for WCO members to boost citrus sector information exchange. The extensive publication compiled by CIRAD covers global citrus data for the period of summer 2021 to winter 2021–2022. CIRAD is the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.

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The 52-page Citrus World Statistics provides data about production, exports, seasons, imports and consumption for all citrus, including oranges, easy peelers, lemons, grapefruit and limes. The publication provides detailed market insights on citrus sector developments that are crucial for business decisions along the supply chain.

The report reveals that citrus world production stands at 158.5 million tons, with China, Brazil, India and Mexico being the top producing countries in 2021. While 51% of citrus is produced in Asia, 52% of citrus exports (7.2 million tons) originate from the Mediterranean region. The lion’s share of exports are from Spain, South Africa, Turkey and Egypt.

The publication illustrates that imports are relatively stable, with the main importer markets still being dominated by Europe, the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland. Scandinavia, France and Germany had the highest citrus consumption per capita in 2021. More information about the Citrus World Statistics publication is available here.

“I am convinced that citrus growers, traders and processors will find in this fantastic report produced by our CIRAD partners a key element to improve their decision making, generating added value to the supply chain,” said WCO Northern Hemisphere Co-Chair José Antonio Garcia Fernandez.

The publication builds on the WCO’s existing citrus forecasting activities. On a biannual basis ahead of the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere seasons, the WCO undertakes citrus forecasting to facilitate WCO members’ understanding of current global citrus market developments.

Source: World Citrus Organisation

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