Senator Supports Georgia Citrus Industry

Josh McGillGeorgia

U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) recently visited with Georgia citrus growers and industry leaders to learn more about the growing commodity in the state. He came away impressed with how citrus has blossomed in popularity in a short timeframe.

Georgia citrus
U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff recently met with Georgia citrus growers to learn about their needs.

“I’m excited about Georgia citrus,” Ossoff said. “This is relatively new that we have a fast-growing citrus sector in Georgia. Already, Georgia satsumas are building a reputation as some of the most delicious citrus fruits in the world. The fact that we have a little bit colder temperatures in Georgia helps make those satsumas a little sweeter and more delicious. That’s why demand is rapidly growing for our citrus fruits.”

Growers need legislative assistance if they hope to continue to grow the industry.

“Really, what I’m hearing Georgia citrus growers need is access to more research to understand how we can protect our citrus groves from pests, from the greening disease that’s had a major negative impact on Florida citrus, but also the facilities at the beginning and at the end of the value chain; more nursery facilities and more packing facilities,” said the senator. “Last year, the citrus harvest in Georgia was so strong that there was actually insufficient packing facilities to get all of it to market. This is a fast-growing citrus industry in Georgia. It’s very exciting, and it was a pleasure to be with Lindy (Savelle) on her farm. I’m going to be continuing to support Georgia citrus growers.”

Georgia’s citrus industry scored a legislative victory last month when the state Senate overwhelmingly passed a proposal to start a Georgia Citrus Commission. A commission would allow growers to invest in their industry while serving as validation that Georgia’s citrus industry can stand on its own two feet.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

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