Citrus Research Board to Host Webinar Series

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Education

California’s Citrus Research Board (CRB) has announced its 2023 Citrus Growers Educational Webinar Series. CRB will hold four one-hour webinars on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. The dates are June 6, 13, 20 and 27. Each webinar will highlight valuable research and practical discussions for growers. Here’s the lineup:


Topic: Tree Density and Pruning Affect Fruit Numbers, Size, Quality and Maturity of Navel Oranges

Craig Kallsen, citrus and pistachio farm advisor for Kern County, will discuss how tree density and pruning affect fruit numbers, size, quality and maturity of navel oranges.

Continuing education units: This webinar is approved for one Crop Management hour from Certified Crop Advisers (CCA).

Register here.

Topic: Update on Sweet Orange Scab and Integrated Pre- and Postharvest Strategies for Decay Management

Jim Adaskaveg, professor and plant pathologist at the University of California, Riverside, will give an update on sweet orange scab and integrated pre- and postharvest strategies for decay management.

Continuing education units: This webinar is pending approval for one “Other” hour from the Department of Pesticide Regulations and is approved for one IPM hour from CCA.

Register here.

Topic: Lemon Variety and Rootstock Research for California

Glenn C. Wright, associate professor and Extension specialist for tree fruit crops at the University of Arizona, will discuss CRB-funded lemon variety and rootstock research for California.

Continuing education units:This webinar is approved for one Crop Management hour from CCA.

Register here.

Topic: California Water Availability and Crop Water Efficiency Strategies

Franklin Gaudi, vice president of design at Laurel Ag & Water, will discuss California water availability and crop water efficiency strategies.

Continuing Education Units:This webinar is approved for one Soil and Water Management hour from CCA.

Register here.

Source: CRB

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