
Citrus Industry Members to Advise on Trade

Josh McGillTrade

Several members of the U.S. citrus industry have been appointed or re-appointed to the federal Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade in Fruits and Vegetables. They include James Cranney Jr. of California Citrus Quality Council, Casey Creamer of California Citrus Mutual, Melissa Frank-Poole of The Wonderful Company, Dale Murden of Texas Citrus Mutual and Daniel Richey of Riverfront Packing Company.


Their appointments were announced Aug. 24 by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai. See the full list of committee members here.

“Domestic growers have suffered from trade disputes, COVID supply-chain disruptions and import/export imbalances that must be addressed,” said Creamer, president of California Citrus Mutual. “I’m honored to continue serving on this important committee to advise on critical trade policies that are significantly impacting the California citrus grower.”

The citrus industry representatives were among appointees to seven agricultural trade advisory committees representing the diversity of U.S. agriculture. The committees contain 200 total members; 130 are new appointees and 70 are members already serving.

Newly appointed committee members will serve until August 2027, and the committees will be supplemented by additional appointments over the next four years. Individuals are encouraged to apply for committee membership at any time, and applications will be reviewed periodically.

The advisory committee system was created by the U.S. Congress in 1974 to ensure that U.S. trade policy and trade negotiating objectives adequately reflect U.S. public- and private-sector interests.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

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