Syngenta is seeking citrus interns in Florida for the summer of 2024, with an application deadline of Nov. 1. The company plans to schedule and hold interviews before Thanksgiving.
Syngenta provided the following information about the internship program and the qualification requirements:
Citrus interns at Syngenta gain hands-on experience in the ag industry. This is a paid internship that also provides a vehicle for work use. Each intern is assigned to a mentor and a territory for a summer project. Interns gain experience with territory management along with pest and disease identification. The internship also presents opportunities to gain sales and marketing experience, exposure to the citrus industry, as well as opportunities within Syngenta Crop Protection.
The interns will provide pest scouting support for the miticides/insecticides Minecto Pro, Viliame Flexi, Agri-Flex and Agri-Mek, andsoil sampling support for the fungicides Ridomil and Orondis.
Those applying for the internships should have the following qualifications:
- Seeking future employment in the Florida agriculture industry
- Basic familiarity with production agriculture
- Basic familiarity with pest, disease and weed control
- Basic computer skills
- Willingness to work outdoors
- Self-motivated, detail-oriented, honest and personable
- Ability to relocate to or originally from one of the following counties: Polk, Highlands, Hardee, Desoto, Hendry, Collier, Lee, Okeechobee, Martin, Osceola, St. Lucie or Indian River
- Sophomore or junior level (seniors will be considered)
- Satisfactory results of a pre-employment background check, drug test and driving record evaluation
See the application here. Questions should be directed to Zach Langford or Chad Warrick.
Source: Syngenta
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