Fruit World on Certification, California’s Citrus Season and More

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner

Fresh fruit produce company Fruit World announced its recent Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) certification out of its Reedley, California facility. The company also reported that the California citrus season is late this year, and that Fruit World’s chief executive officer will participate on a panel discussing the upcoming Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule.

Fruit World
Bianca Kaprielian

According to Equitable Food Initiative’s website, it works with farmworkers, growers and retailers to ensure that:

  • Best practices in food safety are understood and adhered to
  • Farmworkers are treated fairly and experience a safer and healthier work environment
  • Farmworkers are engaged to identify problems and create solutions that drive assurance and business efficiencies on the farm

Bianca Kaprielian, founder and chief executive officer of Fruit World, said, “This certification marks a monumental accomplishment. We take our mission of creating an equitable and sustainable food system to heart, and this achievement demonstrates that our actions match our words.”

Fruit World also announced that the California citrus season arrived “fashionably late this year, starting two to three weeks later than usual.” The company reported that “citrus volume is down across the board this year” but said increased organic citrus acreage is coming into play.  

Fruit World stated that the season commences with the organic lemon program and sweet limes. “Grapefruit will soon join the winter citrus ensemble by month’s end,” Fruit World added. “November heralds the arrival of navels and mandarins, with Minneolas, Cara Cara and blood oranges all shipping in December.”

This November, Kaprielian will join industry experts on a panel during the Organic Grower Summit, discussing the upcoming SOE rule and ways in which the grower community can prepare for these changes.

“The updates to the USDA National Organic Program regulations are significant,” Kaprielian said. “The intent to minimize organic fraud is appreciated. At the same time, we see the challenges it will present to growers, buyers and sellers of organic produce. We are working to make sure we are well positioned to be in compliance once the new regulations go into effect in March, which is the tail end of our winter citrus season.”

Source: Fruit World

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