navel oranges

Citrus Crop Forecast Has One Change

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

citrus crop forecast

The only change in the Feb. 8 citrus crop forecast from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) was a 700,000-box reduction in Florida non-Valencia oranges compared to the January forecast. That reduced the expected 2023–24 Florida non-Valencia crop to 6.8 million boxes and the total Florida orange crop to 19.8 million boxes. The percentage reductions were 9% for non-Valencia oranges and 4% for all oranges.

Florida variety forecasts that remained unchanged from January were grapefruit at 2.4 million boxes and tangerines/mandarins at 550,000 boxes.


A row count survey conducted Jan. 25–26 showed 96% of Florida’s non-Valencia rows are harvested, excluding navels.

A report on Florida Valencia oranges showed current fruit size is below average and is projected to be below average at harvest. Droppage is above average and projected to be above average at harvest.

Florida white and red grapefruit final size were reported as above average. Drop for white grapefruit is below average while drop for red grapefruit is above average. The late-January row count survey showed 60% of grapefruit rows are harvested. 


The unchanged forecasts for other states include:

  • California oranges at 45.8 million boxes
  • Texas oranges at 950,000 boxes
  • California grapefruit at 3.8 million boxes
  • Texas grapefruit at 2.35 million boxes
  • Arizona lemons at 900,000 boxes
  • California lemons at 20 million boxes
  • California tangerines/mandarins at 22 million boxes

See the full USDA citrus crop forecast report here.

The next update to the citrus crop forecast will be on March 8 at approximately 12:00 p.m. on the Citrus Industry website.


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