Israeli citrus

Production of Israeli Citrus to Decline

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported that production of all Israeli citrus varieties is forecast to decline in 2023–24 compared to the previous season.

Israel’s planted citrus area is forecast to be 16,200 hectares, the same as the prior year. USDA FAS reported that low profitability and water shortages have disincentivized farmers from planting new citrus crops.

Expected crop production and export levels are provided below for each citrus variety. No citrus imports are expected, with the exception of frozen orange juice.


Production is forecast at 80,000 metric tons (MT), down from 104,000 MT the prior year. Exports are projected to remain the same at 1,000 MT.


The production forecast of 160,000 MT compares to prior year production of 195,000 MT. Exports are forecast at 78,000 MT, down from 100,000 the prior year.


Forecast production of 150,000 MT in 2023–24 compares to 155,000 MT the prior year. Exports are forecast at 40,000 MT, down from 44,000 the prior year.


Expected production of 60,000 MT is down from 62,000 MT the prior year. No exports are expected.


Frozen orange juice (OJ) production is forecast at 3,900 MT, up slightly from the prior year’s 3,800 MT. OJ imports will climb to 13,500 MT from the prior season’s 12,900 MT. OJ exports will increase to 11,800 MT from 9,900 MT the prior year.


“It is too early to determine the magnitude and effect of the conflict between Israel and Hamas on the supply and demand of the Israeli citrus industry, as the impact will be contingent upon the length of the crisis,” the USDA FAS report stated. “Moreover, situational changes along the Gaza periphery and the northern border with Lebanon (where some citrus plots are located) should be monitored, as well as sea trade routes along the Red Sea.”

See the full USDA FAS report on Israeli citrus here.

Source: USDA FAS

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