Citrus and specialty crop growers are invited to gather on April 3 in Fort Pierce at the Florida Citrus Show. The event takes place at the Indian River Research and Education Center and the U.S Horticultural Research Laboratory.
The trade show and breakfast begin at 8:00 a.m. Take the time to network with exhibitors before the general session begins at 9:00 a.m.
The tailgate party will kick off following the general session. Exhibitors are getting excited to compete for the Top Tailgater award. Growers will be able to taste a variety of delicious tailgate foods and vote for their favorite. Just by voting, growers will be entered into a drawing to win $500 cash. Last year, Southern Citrus Nurseries took home the Top Tailgater prize. Help us choose the 2024 winner, and you might go home a winner, too!
After the tailgate party, citrus and vegetable breakout sessions will be held. There are some new additions to the vegetable program this year. Learning stations will be set up during the vegetable breakout session to give growers the chance to have one-on-one conversations with researchers. Topics like pest management, disease control and nutrient management will be covered.
The Florida Citrus Show offers a full day of opportunities to network and learn, so register now to take part in this special event! Registration, sponsored by Redox Bio-Nutrients, is complimentary for commercial growers, farm owners and managers, professional crop advisers, association executives and board members, and the government, legislative and agricultural research communities.
Is your company interested in exhibiting? The show is almost sold out. Fill out a registration form here. More opportunities to get in front of growers are available by sponsoring the Florida Citrus Show. Reach out to events@agnetmedia.com for details.
Seminar session schedules will be available soon. To learn more about the Florida Citrus Show, including host hotel information, visit FloridaCitrusShow.com.
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