citrus forecast

Final Florida Citrus Forecast for 2023–24

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

citrus forecast

The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) issued its final citrus forecast for the 2023–24 season on July 10.


The Florida all-orange forecast rose 1% from the June forecast to 17.96 million boxes. That exceeds 2022–23 production of 15.82 million boxes but is far below 2021–22 production of 41.2 million boxes. Non-Valencia orange production is unchanged at 6.76 million boxes. Valencia production creeped up from 11.1 million boxes to 11.2 million boxes.

Florida’s all-grapefruit forecast remains unchanged from June at 1.79 million boxes. White varieties are at 240,000 boxes, and red grapefruit is at 1.55 million boxes.

Florida tangerine and mandarin production is holding steady at 450,000 boxes, the same amount that was estimated in June.


California’s citrus production rose in all categories.

The all-orange forecast rose from 46 million boxes to 47.5 million boxes. Non-Valencias increased by 1 million boxes and Valencias by 500,000 boxes.

Grapefruit ticked up slightly from 4.1 million boxes to 4.2 million boxes.

Tangerines and mandarins rose 2 million boxes to 24 million boxes.

The lemon crop saw the biggest gain, jumping from 22 million boxes to 26 million boxes.


Texas saw a minor increase in all-orange production, estimated at 1.18 million boxes. Non-Valencias fell 10,000 boxes while Valencias rose 90,000 boxes.

Grapefruit production declined from 2.6 million boxes to 2.4 million boxes.


Arizona’s lemon crop estimate fell from 1.05 million boxes to 950,000 boxes.

See USDA’s July citrus forecast report here.

The USDA will release its initial 2024–25 citrus crop forecast on Oct. 11 at approximately 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on the Citrus Industry website.


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