Global orange production for 2023–24 is expected to rise slightly while orange juice (OJ) production dips. This forecast is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) Citrus: World Markets and Trade July report.
Global orange production for 2023–24 is estimated to rise 1% to 47.4 million tons. Lower production in Brazil and the European Union is more than offset by larger crops in Egypt, the United States and Türkiye.
Here are country-by-country projections:
- U.S. production is estimated to rise 8% to 2.5 million tons. Imports and exports are projected to be flat.
- Brazil production is estimated down slightly to 15.3 million tons.
- China production is projected up slightly to a record 7.6 million tons. Imports are down while exports are estimated to nearly triple with the higher production.
- European Union production is expected to be down 2% to 5.5 million tons. Exports are estimated to be down, and imports are expected to rise.
- Mexico production is forecast up marginally to 4.9 million tons. Exports are flat.
- Egypt production is estimated to rise 100,000 tons to a record 3.7 million tons. Exports are projected to rise.
- South Africa production is estimated up 3% to a record 1.7 million tons. Exports are estimated to drop.
- Türkiye production is estimated to rebound over 30% to 1.7 million tons. Exports are estimated to reach a new record high.
- Morocco production is forecast to rise 37,000 tons to 820,000 tons. Exports are flat.
- Chile production is estimated down 2% to 177,000 tons. Exports are projected down.
Global OJ production for 2023–24 is expected to be 1.5 million tons at 65 degrees Brix, 3% lower than the previous forecast. The decline is due to reduced fruit available for processing in Brazil, which accounts for more than 70% of global production.
Here is a country-by-country production summary:
- Brazil production is estimated down 9% to 1.1 million tons. Exports are down. Brazil is projected to account for about 75% of global OJ exports.
- Mexico production is projected to increase 11% to 155,000 tons. Exports are up with the rise in available supplies and continued demand from the United States, the top export market.
- U.S. production is forecast to rebound 9% to 93,000 tons. Lower imports are expected.
- European Union production is estimated to rise 4% to 50,000 tons due to the availability of oranges that do not meet size standards for fresh consumption. An increase in exports is estimated to exceed an increase in imports.
- South Africa is estimated up more than 50% to 58,800 tons. Exports are up.
Source: USDA FAS
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