foliar disease

EU Intercepts Pests From South African and Brazilian Citrus

Daniel CooperExport/Import, International, Pests

Citrus black spot was found in South African oranges, lemons and grapefruit.

The European Union (EU) in July intercepted 11 shipments infested with the quarantine pests citrus black spot (CBS) and false moth in citrus imports from South Africa. Eight CBS cases were intercepted in lemons, one in oranges and one in grapefruit. There was one false moth detection in oranges.

The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) called on Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, to “take truly effective measures” to prevent the entry of new diseases and pests that would harm European citrus.

“This year it seems that (South Africa) is on track to repeat the more than 50 interceptions (of CBS) of 2023,” AVA-ASAJA stated. “The phytosanitary risk is high and real. We cannot continue depending on chance because any contaminated batch can introduce this disease to us.”

AVA-ASAJA added that “the detection of false moth in a shipment of South African oranges shows … that South Africa is not doing the cold treatment stipulated by community legislation well. So, either South Africa does what it has to do to enforce the law, or the EU does what it has to do to enforce its law.”

In addition to CBS and false moth from South Africa, the European Commission this year has reported multiple interceptions of the Elsinoë fungus and bacterial citrus canker in limes from Brazil.

“We cannot continue like this,” said Cristóbal Aguado, chair of AVA-ASAJA. “Management as fundamental as pest and disease control at the border must be rationalized once and for all. For decades this has been an Achilles heel for the EU, even after the reform of the plant health regulation. European agriculture cannot continue to be sold in exchange for other commercial interests. You can’t continue playing with fire. Playing heads or tails is not an option.”

Source: Valencian Farmers Association

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