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In this special series, Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, tackles questions about optimizing trunk-injection applications to treat HLB.
Question: It is known that ReMedium TI® is working to fight HLB in young trees. Are ReMedium TI® injections proving to be effective in older citrus trees?
Answer: ReMedium TI® is indeed effective in older citrus trees. The caution that needs to accompany that statement is the general overall health of the tree. Older trees that have not declined in health below 50% leaf canopy are very likely to benefit from a ReMedium TI® injection.
There are many yield reports coming in from the industry on ReMedium TI® injections. For example, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has published results in recent presentations that show yield benefits from 18-year-old Hamlins in the Fort Meade area. Different rates of ReMedium TI® were used in the trials, but the most economical rate for this trial appears to be a 150 milliliter injection of 5,500 parts per million (ppm) solution resulting in fruit yield of 134 pounds per tree compared to a control of 100 pounds per tree. Brix increased from 8.2 to 8.7.
Eighteen-year-old Valencias, in a trial conducted by UF/IFAS near Fort Meade, the results were similar. Again, the 150 milliliter injection of 5,500 ppm solution produced an increase in yield from 73 pounds per tree to 99 pounds per tree with Brix increasing from 8.4 to 9.2.
In conclusion, the injection of ReMedium TI® in third-party trials is showing consistent yield response and quality increase in mid- and late-season juice varieties. ReMedium TI® is providing the economically viable therapy that the Florida citrus industry needs to combat citrus greening.
Tom Johnson is the owner of TJ BioTech, the manufacturer of ReMedium TI®. If you have a question about trunk injection, please send it to citrusindustry@agnetmedia.com.
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