The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) has presented University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Professor Michelle Danyluk its 2024 Researcher of the Year Award. The award was presented at FFVA’s recent annual convention in Marco Island. The honor is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves and their work to improving Florida agriculture.

Danyluk works in the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. FFVA stated that she has made significant strides in the field of microbial food safety and quality. Her research is centered on understanding and mitigating bacterial pathogens in fresh produce, with a focus on production, packing and processing environments, and the subsequent implications for public health.
“Dr. Danyluk’s research on food safety has had a profound impact on both Florida agriculture and the broader global community,” said Elizabeth Malek, Lipman Family Farms crop protection assistant manager and FFVA Research, Extension and Education Committee chair. “Her research work in microbial food safety, coupled with her commitment to educating the next generation of scientists and industry leaders, made her an outstanding choice for the FFVA Researcher of the Year Award. We are proud to recognize her contributions to the field, along with her efforts to advance the safety and quality of our food supply.”
In addition to her research, Danyluk has been an advocate for Florida’s specialty crop community. She has collaborated with numerous state commodity groups and companies to test for pathogens in Florida’s irrigation waters. She has provided critical support during suspected outbreaks.
Danyluk leads Extension programs, educating the agricultural community on food-safety protocols including the Food Safety Modernization Act, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point and Good Agricultural Practices, among other specialized food-safety programs.
She has published numerous academic papers and articles throughout her career. See here Citrus Industry articles here.
Source: FFVA
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